IMG_0714.jpg Chinese medicine for my sore throat. Note the beetle bug carcass.. chinese-on-moto Bong Man of Kunming Hooey Man from Spokane Ok..Sue me! I didn\'t take this pic in China. Across street from Mia\'s office It\'s a bra shop for God\'s sake! Elevator sign.jpg Sign in Kunming Elevator. No kissing? Tree IV.jpg IV\'s rule in China. They even stick-em on trees! 1st thing they do if you go to the doctor is give you an IV. hygene product.jpg Product found in hotel room, read if you dare IMG_0544.jpg When you are just too embarrassed to take off your clothes This dude\'s got game! This dude\'s got game! IMG_0999.jpg More of that Chinese medicine.. This little doggie went to market This little doggie went to market Sign in Kunming restaurant Sign in Kunming restaurant John Lennon..China? Whats wrong with this picture! John Lennon Condos in China? Whats wrong with this picture! Yum, clean dishes that smell like garlic! Yum, clean dishes that smell like garlic! Honey is my meat dry yet? Honey is my meat dry yet? 1hp boat launcher....really! 1hp boat launcher....really! In China things are very different. I’m no longer surprised what I run into here…………….